"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant."

-Marthin Luther King Jr.


We need your help! We can humanize the dehumanized and be an important part of the solution to this extremely complex crisis.

Help continue these vital stories of the people who are currently experiencing homelessness.

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What do you want the people of Seattle to know?

A simple question with a complex answer, yet people say they just want to be treated like a human being. This suggests we have been failing as a society at doing so.

Please join in changing this narrative.

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This is a MUST WATCH UNTIL THE END type of story!

It’s unique, but at the same time I hope that it’s not. With anything things evolve and on the other side of people who are experiencing homelessness there are family’s and friends who care, who love, and hurt. I was honored to be part of such an incredible story with Nico and I hope there are more stories such as this one.


Sweeps often happen in Seattle. People lose most of their belongings and are displaced into other areas of the city further away from important needed resources. This happens over and over again.

On January 11th, 2024, Seattle witnessed the sweeping of the Greenwood camp situated next to Fred Meyer. This operation by the city unfolded amidst below-freezing temperatures, starting at 9 am. As a light snowfall added to the challenging conditions, individuals found themselves in a state of confusion, disorientation, anger, and fear while hastily packing their belongings. Residents were issued a mere 3-day notice to collect their possessions and relocate.

Support Directly

On May 1st, 2024 Palmer finally was able to receive his own apartment for the first time in almost 3yrs of living on the streets of Seattle. Help Palmer with the essentials! We are raising funds that go directly to him here!

Be sure to watch his story.